Saturday, December 13, 2014

The Various Updates Update

Alright, sit up straight, stop eating that pie. Here comes the minimum necessary effort required to be able to call this a 'biannually updated blog'. Although I do actually have some stuff to report: most notably that I am as of very recently being represented by the Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency, I've got a new book in the works, we're going to be pushing forward on that in the new year and it's all jolly exciting.

Secondly, we're coming up on a whole year of weekly Let's Drown Out videos, which seems as good a time as any to announce that the series is going on hiatus for a bit. I think there's a feeling between Gabriel and I that we were repeating ourselves, so we'll be back probably in a couple of weeks either with a retooled format or maybe one of those prerecorded adventure game playthroughs we used to do. Either way, no need to panic or start crying because your free entertainment went away just yet.

Also, Consuming Shadow. Still working on it. I had to do a bit of overhauling after some testing, so it's a good thing I'm not the kind of person who commits to release dates. Actually development's on hold for a bit while I work on a smaller game design opportunity that came up and which I should be able to be less enigmatic about sooner rather than later. See, when it comes to game development, I'm a grower, not a shower. I'm like a cougar in the long grass in that when I'm quiet and out of sight then that's when you need to be wary that I might suddenly POUNCE at any time and sink my big fangs into your soft, tasty neck.

Yes, it's been a time of bountiful opportunities lately. Also also, Zero Punctuation continues to run weekly on the Escapist, as does my follow-up column, Extra Punctuation. But I always think it's a bit silly to plug those on this blog since this blog gets considerably less views than the Escapist does. Still, if you need a reminder, I do tend to plug the videos on my Twitter most weeks; it's @YahtzeeCroshaw in case you didn't know.

Right, I think that's everything, go back to your pie.


  1. A new book?????? Very, VERY excited!! Please keep us to up to date! (more often than biannually if possible).

  2. sigh :/ I was really hoping for a good Consuming Shadow update, I absolutely love the atmosphere and game play, I was really hoping you might release it on Steam or

    I am happy for your new book deal, good luck!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thats all fine and swell, but when are we able to give you our money? Really, you deserve it.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I'm just thinking about someone actually eating pie as they click on this.

  7. I'm panicking and crying right now.

    1. You're always like that, though.

  8. I love Let's Drown Out. Two good characters that clash just enough to be interesting and spark debate but are still friends. I always find it interesting. Personally, I think it would be cool if you could focus on the questions more rather than just one per episode. Maybe even make the show an hour and a half. The questions give direction and move you onto new topics.

    I prefer it when you play games 'live' but I do enjoy your prerecorded sessions, too, and can appreciate why that might simplify things. Perhaps it might be cool to do an occasional 'completes' series like Nerdcubed, maybe put it out midweek. It would be enjoyable to see you complete a game together perhaps.

    Those are my thoughts anyway. I look forwards to the next episode, and your new book. Keep up the good work.

  9. I personally like ur pre recorded game playthroughs, bizarre games from start to end and good background talk.And Let's Drown Out videos rely too much on news pull.

  10. I am well aware that these comments play no role in your ultimate decision making, but a return to the format of pre recorded adventure game play-throughs wouldn't go amiss. Previously you've said that beneath a steel sky and Indiana Jones and the fate of atlantis would make for boring videos, but they're both still excellent options that while they aren't as funny due to their poor quality, could still be interesting as you both riff off of experiences or likes/dislikes about the games.

  11. Did anybody pause to entertain the thought that all of these comments will never be read by anybody important enough to influence Yahtzee's work in a meaningful way, therefore making them pointless, as they rarely spark conversation between members of this "Community"?

    1. That was a very Gabe-ish comment. Remember: "Can your point be made in less words than this sentence?"

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I don't know, did you?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. when the concept was fresh it sparked comedy gold, insightful and meaningful information about the games, later on it seemed the lustre had faded somewhat and was especially wince inducing when the regular episodes of back-biting took place

    1. Indeed, I'm not unaware of the whole laughs "between friends" thing, but I personally don't take that sort of communication well.
      At the very least,lines should be better drawn.

  14. By the way...although I do adore the fan art potential for that stay away from my neck young cougar man!
    I'm quite involved thank you.

  15. Love your first two books can't wait for the third, And can't wait for the next drowned out, it's nice listen to two people talk about news that I heard of and games that I want, did, or not that all want to play. Good luck in all.

  16. This may shock you but Let's Drown Out is one of my favorite youtube shows and I watch it every Sunday. I'm a long time fan of Zero Punctuation as well. So I hope you don't take too long off from it. Entertain me you lazy git. heheh.

  17. Still waiting for "cruise for a corpse". Also i want you to monetize your videos and use the money to fund Lets Drown Out:an animated series. I need this in my life.

  18. I do not make a habit of thanking people online. I am normally quite happy stealing happiness and traipsing away gleefully.

    But, thank you Yahtzee. You are fucking brilliant and you don't make nearly enough money to warrant All the happiness you bring people.

  19. As much as Yahtzee seems against the idea of monetising the Drown Outs, I think it's something well deserved for them both. Even for a format designed to focus solely on making games boring as possible, I found it incredibly entertaining thanks to their rapport.
    Also incredibly excited for a third book to be released and look forward to hearing more details about it.

  20. Hopefully the Drown Out hiatus doesn't become permanent D:

    1. And don't forget to wish your parents a Merry Christmas, Yahtzee :)

  21. A new book will be published? Excellent news!

    Also glad to hear there will be more videos by Gabe and you.

    The beta of Consuming Shadow was already fun and very atmospheric. I´m looking forward to the final release - it surely will be worth it´s price.

    Thanks for the update and happy holidays!

  22. I came here specifically looking for information on a new book from you, Yahtzee! Awesome news, can't wait!

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  29. Yahtzee,

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    If you want to, you can download the footage (or I send it to you) and then you and Gabe record a commentary over it. (It would be nice if you credited me, though.)

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