The Consuming Shadow Insanity Edition will be released on Steam on Friday the 20th of November 2015, at 3:00am PST. (That's 11am GMT and 9pm where I am) is now live on Steam! HUMBLE BUYERS SEEKING STEAM KEYS: CHECK BOTTOM OF POST
After the considerable support Consuming Shadow enjoyed on Humble Store and on Steam Greenlight, we've been taking the time to expand it
for the Steam edition, which is now called the Insanity Edition. And it's going to be out on Steam by the end of the week.
As well as the existing dungeon-exploring monster-shooting world-saving procedural-puzzle-solving gameplay, you can expect:
- 2 all-new monsters and 6 new variants of existing ones
- 2 all-new monsters and 6 new variants of existing ones

- Including the Daily Challenge, which generates three gameplay modifiers using a random seed based on the date, so that players attempting it on the same day with the same character can play an identical layout
- The Descent, infinite dungeon mode; get through as many levels of an ever-expanding, increasingly dangerous dungeon as you can without dying
- Nearly 100 Steam achievements and 5 Steam trading cards to unlock
I've got you I might as well state now that save files and unlocks from
the Humble edition sadly won't carry over to the Insanity Edition,
since the game has changed a bit and the save system has been updated,
but at least there's good reason to restart now there's all these
achievements to get.
Humble Store buyers read this! As promised, those of you who bought the Humble Store version will receive a Steam Key in time for the release. You should automatically receive it, and will be able to get it from the same download page that was emailed to you when you bought it the first time. If you don't have it by Friday, get onto Humble Store about it; don't get onto me because I won't know.