Monday, December 16, 2013

Raving and drowning

So let's take a break from those Consuming Shadow updates to talk about a couple of videos I put up on Youtube lately. It's a new vaguely Let's Play-related thing I've been doing with Gabriel that we call Let's Drown Out. We did a video on Quake 2 first and then we did one on Blue Stinger. Here they are.

The idea was, there's a lot of LPs where a couple of guys pretend to be LPing a game when actually the game's just kind of there, and they're not discussing it but mainly wittering on about whatever comes to mind instead. Why do that, we wondered, when we could do precisely the same thing as that but be completely up-front about it. So we play a really boring game, with no intention of actually finishing the thing, and then when we can't think of anything to say about it, we pick from a list of newsworthy podcast topics to discuss instead. Is it an LP or a podcast? It's neither. It's Let's Drown Out. Enjoy it before we got bored of the concept.



  2. the blaster as a flashlight reminded me of a set of doom levels I made a while back. there was a really dark area in the part of the game with most chaingun ammo filled with mostly big monsters, so my friends joked about the chainsaw now being a flashlight

  3. I'm thoroughly enjoying these Let's Drown Outs.

  4. Can we get more of these? I am definitely a fan.

  5. Oi Yathzee, how about updating to include Just Cause 2?

  6. Yahtzee, I discovered the old Show and Tell podcasts today. You and Gabe have a very enjoyable dynamic. Even if you continue your Let's Plays or Let's Drown Outs you could consider continuing on with Show and Tell.

  7. Loving the LDO series. Hope you don't get too bored of it!

  8. The longevity of the videos is promising.

  9. Just pitching in to say I'm really enjoying the LP's, be they in traditional or drown-out format. The dynamic between you and Gabriel works so well I honestly think I could enjoy watching you two discussing wallpaper without getting bored.

  10. Just eager to let you know just how much I enjoy your work. I love the "Drown Outs". Also, I'm reading Jam right now and I'm hooked. Excellent job! Love your stuff!

  11. hey mysterious brittish voice that haunts these videos
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    i've started inviting semi famous people to it sadly nobody has responded so far

    1. Probably because you call them "semi famous."

  12. Shadow Warrior seems like a game you'd enjoy. Old school shooter with bizarre enemies, a wise cracking side kick and cool weapons. I hope you review it some time because it has a lot of stuff for you to mock and parody. (Also, my favorite game of the year.) Thanks for reading!

  13. Doesn't this remind of of Doom? or Quake 2? anyway, dunno how I found this blog exactly since ive been looking for cooking games like on Flipline Papas Games but I loved the post, awesome blog :D

  14. I really enjoy your channel. The videos are very charming. I hope they are rewarding for you and Gabriel to put together; they just seem so awfully personal for two people who seem so anti-social and anxiety ridden.

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